Anime Reborn Wiki

In Anime Reborn there a multitude of gamemodes the player can choose to play. This is a list of every gamemode the Anime Reborn has to offer:

Story Mode

This is one of the main gamemodes of Anime Reborn, here is the place where the player can start their journey. This is also place where the player can find the Infinite Mode, which represents the same maps, but the waves never end.

Story Mode


This is a harder version of the Story Mode, here the player can obtain evolution materials for their units so they can craft their respective evolution item, so they can make the unit stronger.



Under Construction

Legend Stages

This gamemode can be found inside the Story Mode Area, however it is separeted by the Story Mode since here the player can also obtain evolution items for specific units, so they can make the unit stronger.

Legend Stages
